what do i do?

Um, Dear Diary 13.6.10

Sat outside with my kebab for a bit before putting it in my bag and going inside.
Various bellies to a man faced wall, one said he would ask me out if he was twenty years younger. Offensive- and he looked ten years older than me at the most.
The second man said "boo" so I said "BOO" while the third thought it would be funny to dance into the beeb beebs on my chest.
I thought it would be funny if they all got bleeding noses followed by medium strength seizures.
I then thought it would be way more trendy if I had eaten tofu soaked in candy slam colours-
then I would of totally barfed rainbow bean curd on their good time faces.
Nothing happened though, I'm learning how to ignore human sized hunks of shit.
It all looked a bit pre pash to post pash mortem so I walked home.
I built a glow in the dark lego crown and took thin thighs to the bath.
I pulled a hair out of my kebab then washed myself with caramel and butter,
I was having such a good time that I started huffing it out of the bottle.
To finish off I drank water out of the glass that the dog drinks from,
it's all good though because drinking something cold while submerged in warmth is so dreamy.
Then I got out of the bath and into my bed where I really wished there was someone to cuddle.

Cutey Spotter

Dear C_ _ _ _ _

"Did Prince and Adam Lambert mix seeds and put it in a Chinese beauty queen?
Damn lang! wanna take you on the love boat, private room and make you mine"


Current painting project


I'm wearing the smell of your skin
Last time I wore it like a sumo nappy
Now it's hanging on making sucking sounds and nastiness

There is no soap so I use shampoo under my arms
Looking down at my pregnant belly
I decide on bleach and a steelo because it's empty
I count the rings on the shower curtain and get out
Put the towel around me,
the one made from dead animals and carbon monoxide
I am ripe again
Hi, what are you doing?
Waiting for my hair to dry
Then what?
I will have another shower and wait for my hair to dry because I am boring

I have the television on with no aerial, just static
I watch it this way because I am mysterious
He is in love with her
I love drinking hot chocolate with a spoon

Inarticulation is giving me a pash rash
It broke my porcelain teeth
I push them into your bloodied tongue
With you this bed is bloated
I am the flow and the clot